Temporary debris clearer found as successor to Schiphol boss Dick Benschop

Ruud Sondag, previously CEO of energy supplier Eneco and waste company Van Gansewinkel, will be the temporary successor of Schiphol director Dick Benschop. Benschop announced his departure last month, due to the ongoing chaos at the airport. Sunday begins on November 1, and continues through August 31, 2023.

Over the next ten months, Sondag, who is currently still a member of the Supervisory Board of ProRail and the Port of Rotterdam Authority, will be allowed to try to clear up Benschop’s rubble and get to work on the shrinkage of Schiphol.

Before the summer, the cabinet announced that fewer flights may depart and land at Schiphol from the end of next year. Although that bullet already seems to be through the church, the European Commission can still put a stop to it and resistance KLM opposed the contraction decision.

Spread bed

It seems that the patience of the Schiphol Supervisory Board has run out and quickly wanted a successor for Benschop to put an end to the chaos at the airport. In the coming months, Sunday has to provide a bed for the man or woman who will eventually succeed him for a longer period of time.
