temperature of the Middellandse Zee is up to 30 degrees

Because of Duncan wordt de “immense en meedogenloze” mariene hittegolf in de Middellandse Zee veroorzaakt by de ongewone hitte die Europa al sinds het van mei in de ban houdt. It is said that it is inherently a word from a number of high average water temperatures in the Middellandse Zee.

The water temperature in the Middellandse Zee registers. Vooral in the west zien we see high waarden.Beeld SOCIB

In front of the West of the Middellandse Zee there is an earth line. This is spoken of as a marine hittegolf of category 3. The word omschreven as “serious” according to the classificatie van de Amerikaanse National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The vergelijking: category 1 is “mighty”, category 2 is “strong”, category 4 is “extreme” and category 5 is “more than extreme”.


Due to the fringes of the winter ‘La Chaîne Météo’, the temperature of the sea water for the coast of Corsica in Nice before the sea was 30 degrees Celsius and it was called “tropical water”.

Maps from the NOAA also indicate that the temperature of the upper vlakte water for our own art is higher than that, tot maar is 3 degrees Celsius.

Grandchildren are just warmer than they are now. Water always warms veel less quickly op dan de lucht.

Afwijkingen in the temperature of the upper vlakte water.  Well, our kiss is dead 3 degrees warmer than it is.  Field NOAA

Afwijkingen in the temperature of the upper vlakte water. Well, our kiss is dead 3 degrees warmer than it is.Field NOAA

Hittegolven onder water can quickly wreak a pity. For a long time in intense mariene hittegolven always had a devastating effect on the ecosystems in the sea.

Ze hebben also een effect op het weer boven land. Het warmer water means that the air is less afkoelt, what more extreme hittegolven boven land can veroorzaken. Op het ade van de zomer en in het begin van de herfst kan het also heviger neerslag veroorzaken.


The longest mariene hittegolf the ooit will be warned, from 2013 to 2016 and held lelijk house in the north east of the Stille Ocean. Het hele ecosystem in het area rake ontregeld. Dozens of bird deaths, het aantal Kwallen went enormously omhoog and also harmful algae get a boost, which then resulted in de poisoning van Zeezoogdieren.

null Beeld AFP

Beeld AFP

Tot op vandaag ontdekken wetenschappers nog new effects van die mariene hittegolf of blob. On the sea near Kelpwouden, large verzamelingen van seaweed and the sea level. Sommige kelpwouden ondervonden little hindrance van de hittegolf and other devastating veel. A recent study toot now aan that in some areas omgevingsfactoren het effect van de hittegolf amplified, so as de aanwezigheid van zee-egels.

Zes jaar na de blob is the ecosystem in the north of the Pacific Ocean still not old.
