Telstar trainer Jonker outraged about KNVB decision: “Don’t understand anything”

Telstar coach Andries Jonker does not understand the decision to move the game against ADO Den Haag to March 21. “I am very surprised about it. I do not understand this at all,” said Jonker.

Andries Jonker does not understand the decision to move the match against ADO Den Haag – NH Nieuws

During last Friday’s storm, the roof of the stadium of ADO The Hague heavily damaged. On Wednesday it was announced that the stadium is not safe enough to play. The KNVB therefore decided to move the game to the end of March. “We now have seven games in 27 days in March. That is a lot of good,” says an incensed Andries Jonker.

“People want regular competition, but why don’t we play?” Jonker wonders.

telstar trainer andries jonker

Regular competition course

Telstar previously made a request for the match against The County to be postponed at the KNVB due to fifteen absentees. That request was not granted. Helmond Sport was deducted three points because they did not show up against FC Emmen. In their own words, the people from Brabant were unable to draw up a representative team because of too many corona cases. The FC Eindhoven game against ADO Den Haag was postponed because of corona. “People want regular competition, but why don’t we play?” Jonker wonders.

According to the KNVB, that kite is not going up. “With 15 absentees, it is still possible that you do not comply with the guideline for cancellations due to corona. Helmond Sport could not do that either, so they simply did not show up. What they had indicated in advance. FC Eindhoven did comply with that guideline. Incidentally, the relocation of ADO Den Haag – Telstar has to do with an unsafe stadium and the reason for the other matches was corona,” a KNVB spokesperson said.

“It was too short a day to find another location where supporters can play”

spokesperson KNVB

Too short a day for another location

According to Andries Jonker, one of the options was to play in the Excelsior stadium this weekend. Another option, according to the Telstar trainer, was to play in the ADO Den Haag stadium without an audience. “It was too short a day to find another location where supporters can play. Playing in the stadium of The Hague without an audience was not an option, because it is not safe enough yet,” the KNVB responds.

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