Telstar records an easy practice win against Hollandia

Telstar won the exhibition match against Hollandia 6-1. At halftime Mike Snoei’s men were already leading 4-0 against the fourth divisionist from Hoorn.

Striker Quinten van den Heerik scored the opening goal. After that, Jayden Turfkruijer scored no less than three times. After the break, two players from Jong Telstar managed to score. Tim van de Loo and Rychaintelo Knoll were the goalscorers, The duo is participating in this preparation at the first.


Last week goalkeeper Ondrej Mastny was on trial at Telstar. The club has announced that it will not work with the player who is under contract with Manchester United. Mart Lieder also trains at Telstar. The 33-year-old striker is currently without a club and is working on his recovery at Telstar. There is currently no contract offer.
