Telstar coach Jonker confronts selection with NH Sport message

Telstar yearns for a win. The last win dates from January 23 earlier this year at home against Jong Ajax. The home game against FC Dordrecht awaits tomorrow evening. With trainer Andries Jonker we look forward to this game. “Tomorrow we have a great team on the field as well as on the bench.”

“It is not the work ethic and the way of playing football,” says Andries Jonker a day before the game. The Telstar trainer says that he wrote the headline of our previous message on the board in the dressing room: ‘Playing well Telstar is empty-handed again.’ A conclusion that the coach agrees with and with which he wanted to confront his players. “It mainly has to do with defending for us, that really has to be much better.”

Andries Jonker – Pro Shots / Thomas Bakker

“Whether you play at Ajax or Telstar, the goal remains the same,” Jonker continues his story. “Coming to victories together and developing individually.” The White Lions are currently fifteenth in the ranking and now play two games in four days. Tomorrow evening against FC Dordrecht and on Monday a visit to ADO Den Haag.

Zakir and Smith

This entire season Telstar has been dealing with physical setbacks. From corona infections to injuries. Lately, many players have been absent due to the flu. Slowly Jonker sees more and more players returning. For example, Yassine Zakir against FC Dordrecht is again part of the match selection. The attacking right back has been sidelined in the past two games due to a severe flu. On the other hand, Rein Smit disappears. The attacker dropped out against NAC last Monday with a head injury. Smit is not allowed to exert any effort for a week.

“The ball is in Telstar’s court, but I don’t worry about it for a moment”

Telstar trainer Andries Jonker


Finally, the future of Andries Jonker. The Velsense coach has an expiring contract and it is still unclear whether both parties will continue together. Jonker himself is very relaxed about this. “The ball is in Telstar’s court, but I don’t worry about it for a moment. We haven’t talked yet and that’s fine too. We are both very relaxed about it.”

Telstar – FC Dordrecht starts tomorrow evening at 8 p.m. and can be followed live on NH Radio.

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