Teller staatsbon loopt op tot half miljard euro | Inland

Via the banks it will be insured for 186 million euros, via the Grootboeken for 288.3 million euros. This is only a fraction of the gift gift of the previous year’s state certificate in September 2023. The amount will be worth 22 million euros. The state certificate is intended for the benefit of a warehouse in advance. The Minister of Finance Vincent Van Peteghem (CD&V) did not have access to the regulation.

Het Agentschap van de Schuld verwacht uiteindelijk af te knock op een half miljard euro. If you have the agency now with a gift of 6 million euros, you can also claim that the tax will be paid to you in one year.

The inscriptions for the state certificate will be posted both via the Grootboeken and via the banks.
