Television makers make the anniversary party of wholesaler Hakro unforgettable | The image of Groningen

On May 29, 1972, the Martini Hall is the setting for Hakro’s fortieth anniversary party.

The company was registered with the Chamber of Commerce in 1932 as a wholesaler in electrical items. Camille Josephina Catharina Albertus de Haas and Egbert Hendrik Kroon are the founders. The company is growing steadily and after forty years it employs 75 people.

Many well-known television faces will perform at the grand Hakro anniversary party. The medium is becoming increasingly popular, so Hakro sells a lot of television sets. Mies Bouwman, presenter of the popular game show One of the Eight , talks the show together. More than 1,200 guests, including many buyers of products from all northern provinces, watch the show with the Mounties, Patricia Paay and Ben Cramer. A Groningen touch is given by the wind orchestra the Martinibloazers.

In October 1989, the technical wholesaler merged and the new name became Oosterberg-Hakro. In the same month, commercial television starts in the Netherlands. It heralds a new era. Competition is also growing in the wholesale world. In 1996, the merged company moved from Groningen to Drachten, which is more centrally located.

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