Telecinco pronounces on the fate of Pedro Piqueras

09/09/2023 at 16:29


Juan Pedro Valentín, director of the news, has clarified the future of the presenter in an interview

Rumors about the possible departure of Pedro Piqueras from Informativos Telecinco are officially denied by Juan Pedro Valentín, the channel’s news director. According to Valentín, no change is being considered in the presentation of the news, and Piqueras’ decision will be decisive. In short, Piqueras will continue to lead the chain “until he wants.”

Although Piqueras will remain in his position, significant changes are coming to Mediaset’s news. These changes will not be limited to the aesthetic aspect, but will address a complete transformation in the way of working and presenting news. Furthermore, Valentín has highlighted that, in the search for new presenters, priority will be given to internal talents before looking outside the network.

With this statement, Juan Pedro Valentín puts an end to speculation about the future of Pedro Piqueras and, at the same time, announces a restructuring of Mediaset’s news programs, which promises to offer an even better experience to the spectators.

In short, Juan Pedro Valentín’s clarification regarding the future of Pedro Piqueras has dispelled doubts about a possible departure of the charismatic Informativos Telecinco presenter. Piqueras will continue to lead one of the most important news spaces on television in Spainproviding their professionalism and experience to viewers.
