Teenager from the same village as disappeared Lina (15) says that she was approached twice by an unknown man a week before the incident | Abroad

A disturbing testimony has emerged from a teenager who lives in the same French village as Lina (15), who has been missing for a week now. This was reported by the French channel BFMTV. The girl – 14 years old – says that two weeks ago she was approached twice by an unknown man.

It has now been exactly a week since the French Lina (15) disappeared. Last Saturday, the girl from Plaine in eastern France was supposed to take the train to Strasbourg in the morning to visit her boyfriend, but she never arrived. The investigation has not yielded any concrete leads so far.

LOOK. Lina’s mother tells what happened the morning Lina disappeared

This week, however, a remarkable testimony emerged. A 14-year-old girl from Plaine says she was approached twice by an unknown man in the week before Lina disappeared.

Gray car

The first time was on Monday September 18, in a neighboring village. Karine was returning from school around 6:30 PM when a man in a gray car stopped and honked at her several times.

Three days later, the teenager was on her way to the bus stop to go to school just after 6am when the same gray Citroen pulled up next to her. The driver opened the door and wanted to get out, but the girl immediately ran away. She called her father at the same time. “She told me: ‘Dad, there is someone who wants to take me,’” the man tells the story to BFMTV.

Last week there was a great search for Lina. © Photo News

Then she walked towards a house, but all the windows were dark. She decided to continue to the bus stop, where she waited for the bus to appear. The man followed her and watched her from a distance the entire time. When the bus finally arrived, it drove away.

After Lina’s disappearance, the girl’s parents went to the police with the story. Detectives spoke to Karine this week about what she experienced.

“Large-scale coordinated operation” in search for missing Lina (15): investigators examine parked car for DNA traces
