Technology without dollars: access despite the stocks

Argentina is going through a deep economic crisis in which the shortage of dollars is present, with negative net reserves from the Central Bank that could reach US$2,000 million. In this context, the national government has considerably limited imports, which according to the consultancy ABCBlast February imports fell 10.4% year-on-year.

In addition, the Government hardened its policy against the technological sector to “promote the national industry”, and thesignificantly raised import tariffs on laptops, going from a surcharge of 0% to one between 8% and 16%according to the special characteristics of the equipment. This is directly transferred to prices, in which a computer or cell phone can cost up to 90% more in Argentina than in Chile, if the official dollar is taken as a reference, which is the exchange rate used by importing companies.

In the case of cell phones, some models can only be obtained through resellers who, unlike an electronics house, have to trust the counterparty. With regard to electronic stores, a cell phone can cost up to US$3,000, while in Paraguay or Chile they are available for less than half.

Today, Argentines have to work more hours to buy the same as a year ago. And this raises a question: What do Argentines do to protect these increasingly precious assets?

One is to purchase insurance for electronic devices. According to him INDEC, In 2022, 11 million cell phones were sold, 1.5 million LED televisions -and similar products-, close to 300,000 computers and notebooks, and a total of 2.5 million small household appliances.

Given the lack of imports, the cost of repairs rose considerably, especially in specialized technical services that use original materials. For this reason, people who purchase this type of device usually seek to take out insurance together to prevent any future inconvenience and incur additional costs.

In this sense, companies like techno buyspecialized in sales of consumer technologies, have incorporated the possibility of contracting a prepaid repair service that guarantees the normal operation of the product for a period of two to four years in addition to the manufacturer’s warranty.

At Tecno Compro we are specialists in certain products and we are focused on building customer loyalty, which is why we only needed this product that will give you calm, as it will give you longer protection”, points out Juan Socorrocommercial manager of the firm.

Regarding the service, the specialist explains that it covers the costs of some types of repairs – apart from the guarantee and even after the manufacturer’s guarantee expires – for periods ranging from 24 to 48 months.

There are insurers that provide this prepaid service. make sure, is one of the pioneers in the development of this product. They have a development and innovation area that allows carrying out a project like this, to offer end-to-end security to both clients, the insurance company and the channel. ANDThis service, for example, was implemented at the end of 2022 and already covers 100 branches throughout the country, especially in the area of ​​cell phones, tablets, and computers..

Alexander RiedelManager of Segurarse Systems, explains that the company operates as an intermediary, resolving the interaction and communication between the retailer and the insurer. “This means anticipating any need that any of the players may present and making decisions based on our extensive experience in the market. For this, we not only provide commercial advice, but also provide the technological tools that make this opportunity a reality.”, says the expert.

For his part, alberto gabrielCEO of Segurarse, explains that for retailers, its technology aims to provide a complementary service to the company’s focus of action and thus it can add value “to the business by strengthening its brand, updating its customer database, increasing the flow of people in its stores, reducing the loss of customers thanks to their loyalty, and making it a value proposition for its strategic partners and employees through affinity plans”.

On the other hand, for companies that provide mass services, technology aims to diversify and broaden the company’s focus of action, offering a complementary service and a strategic solution that covers the entire marketing process focused on customer needs. “In the case of banking and insurance, we integrate technological systems that allow launching new products through automated processes adapted to specific needs. We implement and manage ‘end-to-end’ solutions for the entire value chain”, deepens the broker’s head.

The technology used is an advantage both for insurers and for the company that markets the products or services. “Our nature is digital, so the tools developed 100% in-house always had in mind the interconnection of different actors from different fields, which is what the marketing company and the insurance company need,” concludes Riedel. Once again, Argentine survival made the beginning of a business out of necessity.

by Franco Della Vecchia

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