TeBe coach Zschiesche: That’s why I’m leaving the club

Surprisingly, Markus Zschiesche (40) leaves the regional league club TeBe at the end of the season.

The coach, who switched from Energie Cottbus (U19) to the violets two years ago, led the club to stay up in the league months before the end of the season. The Charlottenburgers are currently in 8th place.

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“The sporting perspective is missing”, gives Markus Zschiesche honest to. “We’re on a very tight budget. And it probably won’t get any better either.”

TeBe not only has to look for a new head coach: Assistant coach Ronny Ermel is also leaving. Zschiesche: “We have given it a lot of thought. And then we decided that we couldn’t go on.”

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Not only the finances play a role, but also the training conditions. “It feels like the city is doing almost nothing. The training grounds are in poor condition. Such factors also play a role. The club lacks an investor, otherwise it will be really difficult.”

In the table, TeBe is in the upper midfield, but first place is 23 points away. “We’ve set ourselves a big goal, we want to score as many points as we did in the first half of the season,” said Zschiesche. That would be 30 points. Twelve are still missing. Quite feasible with seven games left.
