Teachers can take a career break | Inland

Thousands of teachers are currently taking advantage of the fading career break system. It concerns people over 50 who have opted for a reduced assignment in recent years before their retirement. The disadvantage is that there is no pause button. It is not possible to step out of the career break for a while.

That will change from September 1. From now on, thousands of teachers and civil servants are allowed to voluntarily interrupt their career break for a temporary and paid assignment. They retain the option of continuing their career break afterwards.

Civil servants can accept any temporary assignment of at least one month. Teachers can even accept very temporary assignments of barely two weeks.

According to Education Minister Ben Weyts (N-VA), the measure fits in with the fight against the teacher shortage, “but it is also just a matter of common sense,” he says. “We must ensure that people who want to work can do so as easily as possible,” adds Minister of Welfare Jo Brouns (CD&V).
