Teacher takes pornographic photos of girls at the school where he taught

A 45-year-old man took pornographic photos of three girls from primary school De Vijfhoeven in Vlijmen, where he worked as a teacher at the time. This was announced on Monday during a pro forma session at the court in Den Bosch. Initially, the Public Prosecution Service (OM) reported that the children whose photos were taken are not at the school where the man taught.

The photos were taken of three girls at two different times while they were playing a water game. The man was arrested last September.

On Monday it also became clear that the man had photographed two boys in the changing cubicles of the gymnasium of De Vijfhoeven and in the shower room of a campsite in Elsendorp. In these cases, according to the Public Prosecution Service, there is no question of child pornography. It is not clear who it is of one of the two victims.

According to the judiciary, between 2018 and 2022 he seduced eleven minors throughout the country to commit lewd acts. According to the Public Prosecution Service, the man pretended to be ‘Jeroentje’ online. He managed to get children to have nude photos and videos taken and sent. The Public Prosecution Service calls this sexual abuse of minors.

From March 2019 to April 2022, the man would have gone even further with a girl in Limburg. Among other things, he is suspected of sexually penetrating her. When the abuse began, the girl was only thirteen.

‘Tough case’
Last May, the ex-teacher is also said to have frightened a girl of the age of nine by masturbating while she watched. According to the Public Prosecution Service, this happened at a campsite in Elsendorp.

The OM speaks of a fierce case. “Although the suspect mainly contacted children from outside the school online, some photos of children were also taken in and around the school. We understand very well that this makes an impression on parents, students and the staff of the school,” said a spokesperson.

The man will remain in custody until the substantive hearing, later this year. “I’m completely through it. I’m sorry and want to continue as soon as possible,” said the suspected teacher in an earlier session.


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