Teacher couple surprised Buy without looking-renovation king Bob with sky-high budget | living

Martijn Krabbé and his team are in the ratings hit tonight Buy without looking again made a distraught couple happy with a pawn to lick your fingers. Michiel and Bonne were so happy with the purchase of a gem in Leeuwarden that they managed to increase the renovation budget several times.

Michiel (35) and Bonne (34) lead a stress-free life in Leeuwarden, but the search for a more spacious house is a struggle. Strike quickly, outbid, it consumes energy. Moreover, the housing market in the north of the country has also become overheated and Bonne is known as a ‘nervous tendon’. Martijn Krabbé hopes to provide a solution.

The men’s wish list: a 1930s house within the ring road of Leeuwarden, a guest room for Michiel’s family who ‘has come over’ from the west, an open kitchen and a room for all those books – we are dealing here with two Dutch teachers – would be the icing on the cake. In terms of interior, stylist Roos doesn’t have to go wild with her color brush, but she can, of course, look for a herringbone floor.

The starting budget is 450,000 euros, but it soon becomes clear that TV construction expert Bob Sikkes can add extra savings to his list. ,,We looked again and added 25,000 euros extra,” said Bonne during a weekend in a yurt. Real estate agent Alex stumbles upon a gem of 3.5 tons in a popular neighborhood, for which he deposits 412,500 euros.

mountain of money

If the valuation of Bonne’s current home turns out to be a lot more favorable than expected, the men supplement the renovation budget of 62,500 euros to no less than a hundred thousand. The mountain of money continues to grow and Sikkes effortlessly plans a larger kitchen, a new bathroom and toilets. The wall of the utility room is also being demolished, making the outdoor space larger. ‘It is allowed to be spacious, it is a large house, so it must continue to feel spacious’, is the credo. Element of surprise is a freestanding bath that will be installed in the gigantic bedroom. A ‘Frisian Viking’ is hired to completely strip the building with bare hands.

Unfortunately, Sikkes makes an emergency phone call with Michiel and Bonne when it turns out that asbestos is found. Price tag for its removal: 15,000 euros. It is decided not to cut the wish list, and so the couple also ‘rakes’ that money together.

Bonne and Michiel are happy. © RTL

In addition to the golden sledgehammer, there is also a focus on sustainability. The palace is insulated and even gets a heat pump. “Handy with the exploding gas prices. We have spent 140,000 euros. That is a lot of money, but we have also made more sustainable, also removed asbestos and spent money on beautiful things. There is a fantastic house”, concludes ‘Bob the Builder’. When the men can finally see the end result after a year and a half, Michiel’s eyes burst into tears when they see the mini-library. The hotel floor including the bath by the window is ‘fantastic’. “If you see this on the market, you can arrange traffic controllers,” predicts real estate agent Alex. However, there will be no for sale sign. They hope to live there happily for many years to come.

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