Teacher (41) fired for having students pose topless: ‘Did nothing wrong’ | Abroad

That writes The Sun† Emma Wright, 41, was fired and banned from teaching for two years after she allowed her students to take obscene photos for a project. The teens, some as young as 15, took photos of them posing in their underwear while holding cigarettes and bottles of liquor. Bottles, beer cans and hands float in front of their naked breasts. There are also said to be photos of the teens putting their hands down their pants and simulating masturbation.

Wright would also have invited a photographer who specializes in “suggestive poses” without consulting her supervisor. The statues were discovered by the head of the school’s art department. The board ruled that the “highly inappropriate” class had violated safety regulations and ordered the teacher to be fired.

The teacher does not agree with the dismissal. she told The Sun: “It’s very unfair, but I’m not going to appeal because I don’t want to teach anymore. I wrote to the union and the Minister of Education about this. I am a good person. I am not the person they say I am. I’m really upset. It’s a position I never thought I’d get into. Those students are great students. I have no unusual feelings for them at all.”

The whole story dates from a few years ago, but the committee that had to investigate the incident was only now able to make a decision due to the corona pandemic.
