Tea, instructions for using the most popular drink in the world

THETea is the most popular drink in the world after water, around 300 billion liters are consumed per year. And, according to the FAO report of 2018, its consumption will continue to grow in the coming years, especially in Italy and Germany. In fact, there are many people who have converted to a cup of tea, to drink in the morning or in the afternoon, replacing that of coffee. The reason? «Beyond the beneficial properties on the body, tea is above all a taste experience that makes you feel good. It is a moment of pure pleasure towards oneself which, in some cases, can also lead to new energy» he explains Francesco Rossi, founder of Giusmìn Tea Lab Milan.

Tea consumption is constantly growing

According to the FAO report the consumption and therefore the production of tea are constantly growing, thanks above all to developing countries and younger generations. In numbers, the world production of black tea will increase by 2.2% annually over the next ten years while that of green by 7.5% annually. The reason? Greater awareness of the benefits of holding a cup of tea in your hands.

«Rich in polyphenols, despite what is believed to contain more black quality than green, this drink is ideal if you are particularly sensitive to caffeine, but also to theine itself because there are poorer types, such as fermented ones or Japanese teas such as the banks, the hojicha and the kukicha. This means that it adapts very well to everyone’s needs: for example, it is an excellent solution if you drink little water, if you are on a diet and want to stay away from sweets as much as possible, if you are used to a lighter breakfast. Tea is therefore a functional, almost, highly adaptable drink» explains the expert.

The different types of tea

There are different types of tea. The most common distinction is between black and green teas. In reality, however, it goes further: i black and red teas are fermented, the leaves are left to oxidize thus acquiring the typical dark colour, i greens instead they are not fermented as the leaves are treated with heat thus remaining always green. In between are the semi-fermented, like oolong also called blue tea.

The classification used in China also adds the white tea, very rare so much so that in past times it was only drunk by the emperor, it is a semi-fermented product originating in China. That yellowa variation of the green obtained from a semi-oxidation of the leaves which begin to turn yellow, and the Pu-her fermented black teaundergo a very long fermentation, even five years, and have a very dark colour.

What benefits in a cup?

If it is true that for hundreds of years tea has been adopted in oriental medicine for curative purposes, it is equally true that current scientific research is conducted on a rather small to effectively confirm these benefits.

But it is true that there are positive effects on the treatment of headaches and migraines in general and on stimulating concentration and the mind. Moreover has antioxidant properties and helps prevent heart disease, while regarding its slimming properties they are partially true, in the sense that it helps to reduce body weight but not significantly.

Hot herbal teas for the winter: which ones to choose and why

The drink that is also good for the spirit

Physical benefits aside, tea is also good for the spirit: «Looking for your own tea is real work. In addition to taste, being a food it is a fundamental aspect, it is important to understand how much a type makes you feel good or not. It is essential in understand immediately if it gives blessings to our mood and our spirit» explains the expert. For this reason it is also important to do a personal work of experimentation.

«Every tea is different, just like every consumer is. The search for the teas that one likes best and makes one feel good is a commitment, it must be chosen for the gustatory sensations it offers and not with the expectation of what it could do on our body, unless it concerns basic aspects and immediate measurement, such as the ability to stimulate awakening and concentration, the sense of attention, or to hydrate and drain, and why not, even induce a feeling of serenity».

So how do you choose your tea?

As the expert explains, the choice is a long and enthusiasts tend to have different types depending on the day and the moments in which they are drunk: «If you are looking for one for the morning and for breakfastyou will have to bet on one rich in theine, suitable for waking up, and with an invigorating and tonic aroma. For the morning and also for the afternoon, they are instead suitable the more “funny” ones, which put you in a good mood and give a boost of energy during the day».

And for the evening? «An herbal teaallows you to relax so as to reconcile rest and to end the day with dignity» concludes Francesco Rossi.

