Taxpayers’ Association: State drives up energy costs, not Putin

FRANKFURT (Dow Jones) — According to the taxpayers’ association, the state is not primarily responsible for the sharp increase in energy prices, but rather the war in Ukraine. “It’s not always everything Putin. Putin is definitely an accelerator at this point, and he’s making sure that we’re currently under pressure on prices,” said Reiner Holznagel, President of the Taxpayers’ Association, in an interview with the monthly magazine “Tichys Insight”. However, it is clear that “many state actions have contributed to the fact that prices are now accelerating so rapidly”. It is the state’s goal that fossil fuels become more and more expensive we currently lead. This is of course an issue that is very quickly associated with the war in Ukraine, which certainly has an impact on prices, but the fact is: with the introduction of CO2 taxation at the beginning of this year, we have a massive one energy sources had become more expensive. So sometimes the connections get a bit confused.”

Holznagel also asks where the promised relief is. “I wonder where the compensation is now. For example, I keep wondering how electricity prices are rising without being adequately compensated for.” Even the elimination of the EEG surcharge is no relief. “Although the EEG surcharge will be dropped, it will simply be replaced by CO2 taxation.”

