Taxi ride full of (painful) memories. ‘Une belle course’ taps from the same vein as ‘Intouchables’ | movie review ★★★☆☆

The grumpy Parisian taxi driver Charles drives about 120,000 kilometers per year, he estimates. That’s three times around the world. And yet, of all the customers he’s had in his car, Charles can’t remember a single fun or engaging conversation. That changes when he has to pick up the scratchy Madeleine Keller in ‘Une belle course’.

After a fall, this 92-year-old lady can no longer live independently and today she is leaving for a nursing home. Whether they can stop along the way at places that have been important to Madeleine. Passage Bullourde, for example, where her father was shot by the Nazis. Or number 31 Boulevard Bourdeau, the house where her lover abused her so often. They also drive past the Palais de Justice, the court that sentenced Madeleine to 25 years in prison after she made the same friend infertile with a gas burner.

Chug through beautiful Paris

It’s clear that Une belle course from the same barrel as Intouchables : two opposites condemned to each other that gradually grow towards each other. In addition, Madeleine’s dramatic life story – told through moody flashbacks – comes across as a bit too forced and untruthful. And yet this drama by director Christian Carion works. While we chug through beautiful Paris to the fine jazz sounds of Etta James and Dinah Washington, Madeleine (the very elderly chansonnière Line Renaud) and Charles (comedian Dany Boon in a serious role) generate a pleasant dynamic. And the ending – however predictable – still makes you shed a tear.

Where to see?

Movie Une belle course Direction Christian Careon Of Dany Boon, Line Renaud To see Forum, Groningen; Slieker, Leeuwarden

