Taxi driver murdered – confession without saying a word

By Karin Hendrich

Mustafa A. (49) was killed for just ten euros. Stabbed in his cab. On the first day of the trial, the alleged murderer Hassem B. (24) did not say a word. But his confession was in the interrogation transcript that was read out in the courtroom: “I was hungry. I wanted to take money from him. kill him.”

The unbelievable act on April 6, 2023, in the morning at Berlin-Südkreuz train station. The Tunisian (lived in Belgium since 2017) was actually in transit to Oslo (Norway). He got into Mustafa A.’s taxi (full-time train dispatcher, occasionally also in his brother’s taxi). Where did Hassem B. want to go?

At the beginning of the trial, the defendant was also silent. In the police interrogation after the arrest, he had claimed: “The day before, I had eaten my last meal at around twelve. I came up with the idea of ​​raising money. With a knife.” While on the train, he had selected the hotel in Grunewald as his destination on his mobile phone. “Steal and kill someone, that’s what you do in a remote area.”

Mustafa A. (49) was brutally attacked in a taxi and died shortly afterwards in a hospital

Mustafa A. (49) was brutally attacked in a taxi and died shortly afterwards in a hospital Photo: private

Arrived at 8.30 a.m. on Brahmsstraße, he used his military knife to stab the unsuspecting and defenseless victim from behind “a deep stab in the front of the neck, which severed both jugular veins”, according to the indictment.

Mustafa A. still managed to get out of the taxi. Despite an emergency operation, he died a little later in the hospital.

When it comes to securing evidence, every little detail can be of great importance

Forensic investigators examine the taxi in which Mustafa A. was stabbed Photo: Joerg Bergmann

The accused took the ten euros from the shelf next to the steering wheel. “They were enough to fill my stomach.” He bought chips and Capri-Sonne from it.

► Why didn’t he demand the money from the victim, instead killing him right away? “Because I’m too proud to ask for money.” He also stated: “Killing is a good thing.” In a phase of life in which “everything was tight”, he chose this path – “until I die”. .

Then he asked a passer-by for a bus back to the train station. The passer-by: Sami Allagui (ex-Bundesliga soccer professional, now Head of Team Management at Hertha BSC). Allagui later gave the police a crucial tip in catching the killer. She then viewed the bus video.

Hassem B. initially managed to escape to Flensburg, where he was arrested. Due to an international arrest warrant for killing his girlfriend Eleonora S. (53) in Belgium two days earlier. With the same military knife!

Hassem B. (24) is said to have killed his girlfriend Eleonora S. (53) a few days before the Berlin act

Hassem B. (24) is said to have killed his girlfriend Eleonora S. (53) a few days before the Berlin act Photo: Sudinfo

The accused claimed before the police: “It was revenge. She had taken money from me. “Further on the question of what happens to him when he kills a person: “To get what I want, to assert myself, I can do that. There is no feeling there.” And whether he continues gonna kill? “I think I’ll continue.”

Is Hassem B. ill? In any case, the court pointed out that accommodation in a psychiatric clinic is also an option. In any case, defense attorney Nicole Bédé does not consider her client to be a cold killer and has doubts about his criminal responsibility. Continued: Tuesday.

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