Tax programs in the test – the best tax software for the tax return

The special case: Elster in the test

The Elster tax program, short for electronic tax return, is probably the best-known helper for tax returns, but it did poorly in our test. The program is made available to taxpayers by the tax office to enable paperless filing of tax returns. Basically, this program is just a digital version of the tax forms, doesn’t offer any tax saving tips and isn’t exactly user-friendly. Filling it out is time-consuming, complicated and sometimes incomprehensible.

However, it is positive that the user can contact the tax office directly via the “My Elster” function. This makes it easier to change tax classes or apply for tax exemptions. In addition, the program can be used free of charge. Data that you have already filed with the tax office in the past can easily be transferred to your tax return with Elster.

To be able to use Elster, you need an account. In order to successfully complete the registration, you must enter your Elster activation code. This code will be mailed to you and may take up to two weeks to arrive. That’s why you should take care of creating an Elster account at an early stage. It is faster with an ID card with an activated online function.

Due to the lack of tax tips and the complicated filling out, this program is only suitable for experienced “tax returners”.

Tip: To register with Elster, use your ID card with the online function activated. So you don’t have to wait for the letter with the activation code.
