‘Tax avoidance costs the world 472 billion dollars annually, the Netherlands one of the main parties responsible’

Governments worldwide lose 472 billion dollars (427 billion euros) annually due to tax avoidance, the Tax Justice Network has calculated. According to the organization, which fights the avoidance, wealthy individuals cause 171 billion in tax losses by diverting their money and companies lose 301 billion in losses by giving up profits elsewhere. And in that 301 billion, the Netherlands, with a share of 17 percent, is one of the main parties responsible.

A striking percentage, given that, according to a calculation made two years ago, the Netherlands would have facilitated 6.3 percent of tax avoidance by companies. That is considerably lower than this new estimate, although the Tax Justice Network also then described the Netherlands as part of an ‘axis of tax avoidance’ that is collectively responsible for half of all corporate avoidance. Arnold Merkies, coordinator of Tax Justice’s Dutch sister organization, says against it NRC that the increased share of the Netherlands is probably due to the fact that Tax Justice has acquired a more complete picture of all money flows.

The Tax Justice Network sees one major culprit, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The countries that are affiliated to it would provide a disproportionate amount of tax evasion. A group of countries that are not OECD members are therefore arguing for international tax rules to be placed with the United Nations.

With the cooperation of Rik Rutten.

Read also Avoiding taxes via the Netherlands became more difficult
