Tax authorities on track with box 3 recovery operation | news item

News item | 13-07-2022 | 09:03

All people who have objected to the box-3 tax for the years 2017 – 2020 will receive a letter from the tax authorities in the coming weeks stating how they will receive recovery. They will receive this before August 4, and the recovery operation is therefore on schedule. Recently, the Tax and Customs Administration has calculated the recovery per taxpayer according to the so-called ‘savings variant’. Every taxpayer will receive an explanation of this in the letter they receive. This is through a online calculation tool box 3 income can also be calculated on the website of the Tax Authorities.

It follows from this calculation that 60% of the objectors receive a refund. This corresponds to the estimates made earlier, as also exchanged with the House of Representatives. The people who do not get a refund have more investment capital than was assumed in the old box 3 system.

This is the case, for example, with someone with a tax partner whose assets in 2017 consisted of €100,000 in savings, €300,000 in investments and €200,000 in real estate. According to the new calculation, this person has gained an advantage of € 24,915, which was € 24,003 in the old calculation. For this taxpayer, the box 3 system, where the Supreme Court ruled at the end of December that this is in conflict with the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) was therefore more advantageous. This person will not receive any money back, but does not have to pay this either.

The government considers the recovery via the savings variant fair, because this provides recovery to taxpayers with assets that (largely) consisted of savings, without this leading to the recovery of taxpayers who have been able to earn a good return on investments in recent years. achieve.

Explanation savings variant

In the savings variant, people automatically receive legal redress based on a calculation that ties in with the actual distribution of a taxpayer’s savings, investments and debts. People with savings are taxed on the basis of the current savings interest. In recent years it was almost 0%. Debts are linked to the mortgage interest. And in the case of investments (securities, real estate), the multi-year average return for investments is assumed, as is now the case. Taxpayers with assets consisting entirely of savings therefore receive almost the entire box 3 levy back over those years.

This is a big difference with the previous tax levy box 3, where it was assumed that the capital on which you pay tax consists of investments for a certain part. Even if that is not the case and the assets consist entirely of savings.

The table below shows the percentages used by the tax authorities for the new calculation per tax year.

Return percentages savings variant per year and type of capital
























Continued recovery

After all people who have objected have been notified on 4 August, the recovery operation will start for all assessments for the 2021 tax year. These assessments will be imposed in phases from August. From mid-September, recovery will also be offered to the attacks from 2017 to 2020, which had not yet been irrevocably established on 24-12-2021, the day the Supreme Court rendered its decision.

From mid-October, the restoration of rights will follow for the returns 2017 up to and including 2020, for which no assessment has yet been imposed. Also for all these groups, people are automatically notified about this, they do not have to take any action.

More information

On the website of the Tax Authorities, the calculation tool box 3 income and all other information about box 3 to find. Anyone who disagrees with the new calculation can also visit this website of the Tax Authorities.
