Tax Authorities Annual Plan 2024: organization on track | News item

News item | 21-12-2023 | 11:42

The Tax Authorities will continue on their current course, continuously working to improve services. In 2024, the service will continue to help citizens file their tax returns with expert and committed employees. It is important that citizens and entrepreneurs can count on a fast, reliable and careful tax authorities. The recruitment of new employees and the modernization of IT systems remain a priority so that the Tax Authorities are also equipped for their tasks in the future. State Secretary Van Rij shared the 2024 Annual Plan and the status of the implementation of the Tax Authorities with the House of Representatives today.

State Secretary Van Rij: “Great steps have been taken in recent years. I am proud of what the organization – which is close to my heart – has achieved. There is more control over the modernization of IT systems, past mistakes are being corrected and policy and implementation work closely together. That is good for a balanced tax system. Over the past period, the Tax Authorities have laid the foundation on which we can continue to build in the coming years.”

The Tax Authorities will also invest in improving services in 2024. From now on, citizens can ask their questions about taxes through additional support points in town halls and libraries. In addition, the organization focuses on specific target groups. For example, a large proportion of young people between the ages of 15 and 22 are not yet sufficiently aware of their tax rights and obligations. Older people, on the other hand, appear increasingly less able to report crimes themselves. Targeted support for the elderly is provided at the counters and support points, but also through social service providers. For companies, the investment in services means that there will be even more intensive cooperation with tax service providers to support SME entrepreneurs in filing tax returns.

Status of implementation

For the third year in a row, the Implementation Status is sent to the House of Representatives. While the Annual Plan looks ahead to the coming year, the Status of Implementation focuses on where things are going well and where there are bottlenecks in implementation. Based on signals from employees, citizens and companies, the status of implementation indicates where the Tax Authorities’ services can improve. For example, based on signals, work is being done to improve the accessibility of the Tax Telephone for social service providers. Efforts are also being made to provide better information and possibly simplify the specific healthcare costs scheme, which is often used incorrectly.
