Tax and Customs Administration discloses knowledge group positions | News item

News item | 30-03-2023 | 08:29

The Tax and Customs Administration will publish the so-called knowledge group positions on Thursday 30 March. The publication will immediately make it clear how the Tax and Customs Administration thinks about the tax issues presented to the knowledge groups. The questions and answers will be made public through a specially designated website. In doing so, the Tax and Customs Administration strives for more transparency in the implementation.

The Tax and Customs Administration has 26 knowledge groups, each of which deals with legal questions and other complex questions in their own policy areas. For example, knowledge groups are active in the field of income tax, formal law and car taxes. Some knowledge groups have been publishing their answers to tax issues for some time, such as the Pensions knowledge group. From Thursday 30 March, all other knowledge groups of the Tax and Customs Administration will also publish their views. From that moment on, questions and answers from the knowledge groups will be available on the website from 2022. Both new and updated questions and answers are added.

State Secretary Van Rij (Tax & Tax Authorities): “It is important that the Tax Authorities publish its tax positions from now on. By making it public, the service shows in a transparent manner how it deals with the applicable tax laws and regulations and what this means for citizens and companies. Disclosure creates more certainty for all involved. This subject is therefore important for the legal certainty of citizens and companies.”
