Tatjana Maria – after the second child again on the way to the top of the tennis world – tennis

Eight years ago, after the birth of her first daughter Charlotte, Maria returned to the tennis court coached by husband and tennis coach Charles WTAtour, won her first major title in 2018 (WTA-Tournament on Majorca) and reached her best place in the world rankings (46th). Just a few months after Cecilia expanded family happiness in 2021, the mother of two (33) returned to the tour – too soon for the rules of the WTA.

sports show: Mrs Maria, according to a survey by SWR under 700 female athletes only every tenth female athlete feels supported when it comes to pregnancy and competitive sports. Twelve women anonymously checked that they had previously had an abortion to prevent pregnancy so that they could continue to practice competitive sports. 57 women did not provide any information on this point (eight to nine percent).

Tatyana Maria: I think having children is such a beautiful thing and the most important thing in my life. That’s why it’s sad that there are women who feel so much pressure or are so attached to their careers that they stick with their careers and only have children afterwards. But I’m a bit shocked by these numbers – that there are so many. But I can understand that many women do not feel supported.

sports show: Why?

Maria: In tennis, pregnant women are not referred to as pregnant, we are more or less among the injured players. In the case of a pregnancy, the same rules currently apply as for long-injured players. We already have some mothers on tour. I think the rule should be changed a bit so that there is a separate rule for pregnant women.

sports show: The “Protected ranking” enables players after long injuries to complete twelve tournaments with their world ranking position, which they had before the break. Because you returned so early after the birth of your second daughter in 2021, you are granted the women’s tour WTA only eight tournaments. Do you think that’s unfair?

Maria: In general, I think it’s from the WTA more support for pregnant women and mothers. We’re really great role models for all the players on the tour who just want to start a family. Nowadays, female athletes can simply play tennis longer and many players are just a bit older. And professional sport and motherhood are both possible at the same time. I don’t understand that WTA has not created an extra rule for pregnant women in the meantime and we have to use the rule for injured people. I also find it funny that the men on the ATP-Tour have the same policy for injured people. But if a player returns to the tour, that applies”Protected ranking” for all four Grand Slam-Tournaments. I don’t understand why it’s only for two with us women Grand Slams counts and we have such a difference. It can’t be that hard to create your own rule.

sports show: Did you have direct contact with the WTA because of this?

Maria: Yes, my husband is with me WTA-Boss SteveSimon on the phone.

sports show: Can you reproduce something from it publicly?

Maria: We’ve already been listened to. He said he’d think about it. Well, he’s still thinking. It’s been a while since the conversation. I don’t know where exactly the problem lies. Often it is also said: “Yes, the top players don’t want that.“But the top players I’ve talked to say the opposite. It wouldn’t change much either, so I’m hoping that something will happen over time. It just needs a few more players to get pregnant and look forward to them tour come back.

sports show: You have returned twice very early after maternity leave. Serena Williams, who you are friends with, has at “CNNsaid after the birth of her daughter that she actually only lay in bed for the first six weeks and also had a pulmonary embolism.

Maria: I was really lucky that I had two births that went really well. I mean, if you have a cesarean or if anything happens during childbirth, then of course it takes longer to recover anyway. But because I was doing really well, I only had to wait those six weeks and then I was able to slowly start training again. In the beginning it is always very, very slow. You just need your time. But having a tennis court at home makes it easier – even when breastfeeding in the beginning. I have this infant breastfed and when I had 20 minutes to spare, we went to the tennis court for 20 minutes. Then it goes the way I feel. Having your own place definitely makes it easier to come back.

sports show: How Much of a Pro Player’s Baseline Fitness Do You Lose During Pregnancy?

Maria: With my first pregnancy, I played for a long time myself because we switched my backhand from two-handed to one-handed. But with the second pregnancy, I did absolutely nothing – except exercise with Charlotte every day. You lose maybe 80 percent. I think my body somehow remembered it and it just kind of stays in there.

sports show: Are there any other professional players who approach you with this topic?

Maria: No matter what tournaments we are at, everyone comes to us and is happy to talk to Charlotte. One has the feeling that many would also like to do it. Maybe they don’t quite dare. That just depends on what kind of job the friend or husband does. Whether you can travel or not. But in general, when the players see us, they’re actually all positive. There are many people who are really happy for us.

sports show: How does traveling with family work?

Maria: For me personally it is very important that my family is with me and that we travel together. If my husband hadn’t left tennis now and been able to travel with us: I don’t think I would have continued playing tennis. Because family is more important to me. And my children are more important to me. I wouldn’t want to go weeks without seeing my kids and then come back. That would not be my thing.

sports show: In general, there are still topics for women that are taboo in top-class sport. Australian Open-Finalist Danielle Collins spoke in Melbourne as one of the first to report on ongoing menstrual problems and illnesses. There should also be players who control their periods and periods or even medically suspend them.

Maria: Yes; I’ve heard that some players might do that. But I personally don’t think much of it and I think it’s stupid that you want to regulate your body differently in order to train harder or because of a tournament schedule. The natural way is simply better. That’s how we women are built and it’s just part of the process that the period comes every month.

sports show: Her husband Charles was and is her tennis coach, her eldest daughter Charlotte (8) is now supported by an outfitter and trains with you every day. Cecilia will be one year old in April. What do you have to pay attention to if you want to go to the training ground?

Maria: It’s relatively easy for us, we just go onto the pitch. (laughs) Cecilia is in the front of a tote bag that my husband is carrying. And Charlotte now plays with me as a training partner. We warm up, do this court training and can train well together. We are all on the field as a family. And when Cecilia is off the pitch, she crawls and grabs all the balls and bats and plays with them. So it’s pretty wild here (laughs).
