Tasters of emotions: the challenge of realizing through the senses.

“Since we were little we are designed to have all the answers. The invitation that we make it is to focus on asking ourselves and that is “tasting ourselves”. Realizing through the senses, what we are feelingbecause they are the door to relate to the world, and from there is where we will be able to transform ourselves” Say the authors of the project

How did Catadores de Emotions come about?

Tasters of emotions arises from that it is impossible to be rational without being emotional. The emotional world usually happens to us transparently and has consequences in our lives. to taste us we combine principles of Neuroscience, oenology, Emotional Intelligence, Positive Psychology, Ontological Coaching, Quantum Physics and Mindfulness. It was born from the passion and expertise of Jackie Delger, certified coach, journalist and communicator, Neuroscience expert, writer and international speaker; and Itziar Iglesias, mathematician, coach, writer and expert in Human Resources.

You refer to yourselves as conscience agitators. Where does this term come from?

Without “shaking us”, nothing different will happen. Enough of just reading inspirational quotes, listening to empowering podcasts, or sending/receiving sage advice that only drains energy. We promote self-observation, “self-tasting”. We encourage you to look within and become aware of the beliefs, judgments, opinions and emotions that have us, and to which we are so accustomed, that we don’t even realize that they are clouding the glasses with which we look at the world. The invitation is to let ourselves shake and look at those lenses, realize what keeps us from the life we ​​dream of, and connect with the prosperity and abundance that we all deserve and we can teach you to create and live it.

What are your workshops based on?

Our workshops are based on awaken consciousness and change through generating new neural connections. We invite you to taste yourself, through different proposals, with the aim of observing yourself with infinite love and committing yourself to transforming what is limiting you. Become aware that we are always generating results in our lives and these are the product of what is in our unconscious.

Our trainings are For those who want to reach their best version: for women and men who are encouraged to transcend paradigms and take advantage of the power of emotions to empower themselves and become more confident, and for companies that seek to lead their teams to achieve more and better results.

We have clients who, in 2022, with the crisis we are experiencing, doubled their billing. Another expanded its borders abroad, and opened new businesses, since we are specialists in enrolling people in such a way that they will gladly go the extra mile.

You can buy them through Instagram: @catadoresdeemociones and on our website: www.catadoresdeemociones.com

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