Taron Egerton passed out during play: “Brained ego, but otherwise I’m okay” | showbiz

“As some of you may have heard, I passed out during the first performance of ‘Cock’,” Taron Egerton said on social media. The actor adds that he is completely fine, with the exception of a “slightly stiff neck and a bruised ego.” “I’d appreciate it if everyone in the room just said I was giving such a committed, exciting performance that my body couldn’t take it anymore. Apparently you have to do the entire show, and not just three fourths,” Egerton laughs.

When Egerton passed out, the play was temporarily halted. A doctor who was in the room jumped in to bring the actor back to his senses. After a 40-minute intermission, director Marianne Elliott entered the scene. She assured the audience that everything was okay with Egerton, but that his colleague Joel Harper Jackson would take over the last fifteen minutes of the piece.
