Tarja Turunen tells about her dramatic brain infarction

Musician Tarja Turunen talks about her cerebral infarction in Aivoterveys magazine.

Tarja Turunen had a stroke four years ago at home in Spain. Turunen now describes in the Aivoterveys magazine how he had a severe tour fever that spanned different continents and he had not rested properly.

– I tried to take a cup of water from the bedside table, but it didn’t stay in my hand and shattered on the floor. Marcelo (spouse) woke up and asked worriedly what was wrong. My answer was just an indistinct mumbling, and one side of my face was full of shit, Turunen recalls.

Tarja Turunen initially only told a small circle about her heart attack. INKA SOVERI

Despite her husband’s teasing, Turunen did not immediately go to the hospital, it was only the numbness in her hand that made her go to the hospital.

A blockage in the brain was quickly found and solution therapy was started immediately. The symptoms disappeared.

Turunen says that he remembers the events after the heart attack with conflicting thoughts. He went on tour just three nights after the heart attack.

– Nowadays, I probably wouldn’t act like that, but at the time, the responsibility for the tour staff and the fans who bought the tickets weighed heavily on my mind.

Turunen, who lives healthily, was instructed by the doctors to slow down.

Source: Brain health
