Tarja Halonen gets a moving surprise

Tarja Halonen is praised for her aid work in a special episode of the Laulu rakkaudelle program.

In addition to the song performance, Tarja Halonen receives a video greeting from Afghanistan. Nadi Hammouda, mtv3

On Sunday, in the Laulu rakkaudelle program, we will surprise well-known Finns who help children in need in disaster areas. In the Save the Children special episode, one of the surprises is President Tarja Halonen.

A singer will perform for the president Maarit Hurmerinta with a song Thank you for life, which is one of Halonen’s favorites.

– When I can’t be personally involved in everything, I’m happy to financially and in some cases support the good things done by others, says Halonen.

– Girls are the largest discriminated group of people in various crisis situations. Be it a war or a natural disaster or any other, girls are always the first to be denied the right to education.

The president receives a video greeting from Afghanistan, where many girls’ biggest wish is to study.

Maarit Hurmerinta performs the song Thanks to Elämä. Nadi Hammouda, mtv3

During the performance, you can see how Halonen wipes the tears of emotion from his eyes. After Hurmerinna’s appearance, host Marja Hintikka asks how the president felt about receiving greetings from Afghanistan.

– At that point I took off my glasses for the first time. It was really wonderful, many greetings there.

Finally, Halonen appeals to Hilary Clinton’s words already in 1995.

– Women’s rights are human rights, no other justification is needed.

Song for love: Secret Song Finland on Sundays on MTV3 at 19:30 and in Katsomo. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
