Tappara’s head coach overcooked – SM League started an investigation

The SM League is investigating Grönborg’s use in its disciplinary procedure.

Rikard Grönborg got angry with referee director Jyri Rönni. Jaakko Stenroos/ AOP

CEO of the SM League Mikko Pulkkinen has appointed Tappara’s head coach on Monday Rikard Grönborgin for disciplinary proceedings.

About the message service in X according to the informing SM league, the reason is the use of unsportsmanlike language in connection with the press conference of the Tappara-HIFK match played on Saturday.

Tappara’s Swedish coach caused an uproar last Saturday when he brought down the full-wing SM League referee leader For Jyri Rönni After the HIFK match.

“Fuck you!” – shout was repeated several times in the Nokia Arena, when Grönborg gave feedback to Rönni before the press conference.

Grönborg’s tantrum was recorded For MTV videotape.

The Swedish coach complained about at least two tackling situations in the match that ended in Tappara’s 4–3 victory, for which HIFK did not receive penalties.

– Should have been judged for two outs. The first came directly to the head and the second was a knee strike, Grönborg saw.

Grönborg has lost his temper in refereeing several times this season. For example, at the end of November, he got sent off in a TPS match when he got emotional in a conversation with the referee.
