Tappara won the Finnish Championship gold – such was the market party on April 28, 2022

Tappara’s championship party brought hundreds of fans to Tampere’s central market.

Before the final buzzer 22 years old Roope Rontu looking at his cell phone. He wants to be sure that Tappara is truly the Finnish champion.

Then a student from Hyvinkää, studying in Porvoo, can build the fountain of Tampere Central Market.

– This trip will be expensive, but hopefully it will be worth it then. It doesn’t hurt at all, says Rontu, who arrived at the market from Porvoo on purpose.

Rontu would have liked to go and see the fifth final of the Finnish Championship on the spot, but luck did not favor him. Tickets sold out in no time. Instead, he was allowed to be among the first to take a dip in the water of a five-stage fountain.

As late as nine o’clock on Thursday night, the young man had no place to sleep.

– Maybe you can come to us, Army buddy Valtteri Sutelainen laughing next door.

Roope Rontu wanted to be among the first in the Keskustori fountain when Tappara’s championship was confirmed. Matti Matikainen

“It felt really warm”

Iltalehti was present at Tampere’s central market on Thursday night to watch Tappara’s golden festivities.

The weather was not on the side of the championship, as it was raining shortly before the final buzz of the Nokia arena. Fortunately for the Tappara fans, it rained deaf.

There were killer fans in the central market on Thursday from baby to granddaughter. The entire market was not in use, as a summer oasis will be built on the site from the World Hockey Championships. Much of the Central Market was fenced.

Tappara fans had a go at their peak on Thursday night at 11 p.m. Matti Matikainen

Before the match on Thursday, the event manager of the city of Tampere Saara Saarteinen told IL that you should not swim in the Central Market fountain.

– In my opinion, you can party around and around the fountain, but the recommendation is not to go to the fountain. We would like us to have a place at the World Championships in terms of both its summer oasis and its fountain, Saarteinen said.

In some places, however, the area that was vacant was full to the brim. Many also wanted to test what it’s like to swim in a fountain.

– Here you have walked from that Sorinaukio and the proximity of the arena, so it feels really warm, you have visited the fountain several times Jesse Peltonen says – and goes back to the fountain in a moment.

Jesse Peltonen says that the five-degree water did not feel cold. Screenshot from IL-TV

Formal celebrations later

He supported Tappara all his life Niilo was Anuwith her mother also watching a fan party at the Central Market.

To your favorite player Anton Levtchin naming Niilo says he wasn’t surprised how good Tappara was in the spring finals.

– No, it’s so good anyway, Niilo says.

According to Niilo, Tappara’s championship felt great. Screenshot from IL-TV

Tappara’s previous championship was in 2017. During the current Finnish Championships, the championship was at the club’s 11th and TKPA’s 18th championship level, including the TBK years.

At the same time, Tappara became the most successful team of the Finnish Championship League ever, past the Turku Palloseura, which has ten championships.

The championship was also the first to enter the new Nokia arena. Many Tappara fans also seemed to be looking forward to the official gold festival on Thursday night, which will take place in the next few days next to the central square in Frenckell Square.

He also got into a Paavo fan shirt that bears his name SpongeBob told Iltalehti that the championship felt good at the time of the victory.

However, the 80-year-old Paavo says the whole May Day is not being celebrated now.

– It’s nice when the victory came, but there’s no overnight party here. No no no. Let’s be happy that the victory came, Paavo laughs.

Paavo arrived with his grandson Matilda at the Tappara championship. Screenshot from IL-TV

A large crowd gathered in the square by the fountain. Matti Matikainen
