Tapas festival in 80 restaurants across the country

It is no longer necessary to get on a plane and cross the Atlantic to enjoy the best Iberian flavors. For some time now, the custom of tapas it has also spread in Argentina. Tapas bars and different restaurants with this specialty they succeed one another on the always effervescent gastronomic map. And the acceptance has been such that in 2022 a corresponding festival was created, tapas, which pays homage to the Spanish custom of tapas and seeks to position the Iberian country as a tourist destination through the dissemination of this characteristic way of eating. This initiative, created by the Ministry of Tourism of the Embassy of Spain in Buenos Aireswill celebrate its second edition from April 21 to 30 and will have 80 restaurants in five cities in the country, where tapas are the center of their menus.

From Andalusia

Although today tapas are eaten throughout Spain (and indeed, throughout the world), the story goes that its origin dates back to Andalusia in the 13th century. It is said that at that time King Alfonso X imposed the custom that wine was not served only in inns, so that drunkenness would not come so easily. Instead, small portions of food were placed on a plate that rested on top of the cup or glass, to prevent flies or other insects from settling on it. Hence the origin of the concept of “tapa”. In general, these first servings consisted of slices of ham or wedges of cheese.

Today the idea has evolved to the beat of gourmet progress and the dishes served are as varied as the Spanish geography. It’s hard to resist tumaca bread from Catalonia (bread with tomato), squid rings from Cantabria, patatas bravas from Madrid or chorizo ​​in red wine from La Riojaamong many other options that are masterfully displayed in every self-respecting tapas bar.

In Argentina, the cities that adhere to this celebration are Buenos Aires, La Plata, Rosario, Córdoba and Mendoza. In them, different places will offer reversals of the famous Spanish tapas so that attendees can create their own tours, visit bars and taste pinchos and montaditos while enjoying a caña or a vermouth, classic accompaniments that have also evolved beyond the initial wine .



“The culture of the bar and the earliest exit began to gain strength in Buenos Aires. The schedule in which the aperitif and tapas are now taken, was not the usual one before to go out, but after the pandemic it grew a lot ”, he points out narda lepeswho is part of the festival from his local Lokanta, offering vegetable fritters, potato and egg toast, bell pepper, anchovies and anchovies or feta cheese, marinated olives and pickled lima beans, all three options with a glass of vermouth. “This type of initiative allows us to lower a change and add something new to the menu for a few days, which is also motivating for the team,” adds the chef.

paquito, located in Palermo, is a proper tapas bar, from the menu to the setting, with a few tables and plenty of counter space. Therefore, its inclusion in this circuit is not surprising. “The challenge of putting together a tapa amuses us a lot, which is not putting together two or three products, but rather making those ingredients that we combine build a new flavor and that together they work on another level and surprise”, he points out. Pedro Pena, chef and creator of the space. For him, rations or small plates are not a novelty in our gastronomy, but he believes that they made a comeback because in some way they reproduce what we experience on a daily basis. “The bombardment of stimuli is also transferred to the dishes. People are more curious, they know more, they are looking for variety at their table. You don’t want to miss anything and this style of menu gives you the chance to try four or five different dishes at the same meal”, he says.


And what can be enjoyed in Paquito? The patatas bravas “the ones that Sabina would eat every day”, with truffle and brava sauce or the tribute to Penélope Cruz and Javier Bardem that makes up the chistorra with blood sausage and chipá or a squid with smoked shrimp, mussels and white garlic “like water ”. In all the options, she is accompanied with a beer or cider.

For santiago amincook of The eighth, another of the participants, tapas are booming because there are a large number of professionals with a lot of experience and wanting to show their work. “In contrast, a complicated economic situation but which generates the need to go out and consume with the little money one has. As a result, smaller dishes are given and with a lot of technical work ”, he reasons. And so, this panorama brings us closer to tapas and portions as the product of the moment. From his space, the proposal will be a trio of tapas that will include raw and marinated Sardinian ham, artichoke with roasted bell pepper and brie with dehydrated tomato with a beer or potato tortilla topped with raw ham and vermouth on tap.

Other participating restaurants are Ajo Negro, Arrabal, Condarco, El Preferido de Palermo, La Esperanza de los Ascurra, La Pescadorita, Madrí, Selquet, Deltoro, El Burladero, Sagardi, Yiyo el zeneize, Casa Tomada, Concreto, Abarrote, Mesón, El Celta, La Tapería de Güemes, Patio Lorenza and El Mercadito de Arístides, just to name a few of the 80 participants. The full list can be found at www.tapeando.com.ar.

To complete the circuit, the festival includes some walking tours in which groups of 15 attendees They will travel a tapas route in Buenos Aires together with a host who will share tourist information about Spain and its tapas liturgy, as well as information on the restaurants visited. This will take place on Saturdays and Sundays April 22, 23, 29 and 30, with prior registration. You can also draw your own route between restaurants on the interactive map on the event page. Tapas, small plates or portions: it does not matter what they are called, what is vital is how much they are enjoyed and how they have won the Argentine heart (and palate).

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