Tango queen Pirita took part in Tempparei with her fiance Mika

The tango queen of 2019 Pirita participated with her fiance Mika on the island of seductions.

In the upcoming season of Temptation Island Finland, the tango queen of 2019 will also test the strength of her relationship Cheer up and her fiancé What.

Pirita, who is still touring concert stages, has speculated before the season was announced about people’s attitude towards her participation in the filming of the show.

– The people who go to my gigs are a bit older, and when talking about stuntmen, that image can be quite harsh. But I hope that people who watch the show will see the real me.

However, he believes that participation can also lead to new opportunities. In his hometown of Seinäjoki, he believes he can be free from stares and caresses.

Pirita’s partner Mika is more suspicious. He thinks that they will be followed closely in their hometown, because the nature of the program is interesting.

– Seinäjoki is a student town a bit like Tampere. That is why there are many young people who fit the target group of this program.

Of course, the couple cannot yet reveal what happened on the island of seductions, but the rings given as a sign of engagement are currently not seen on the duo’s anonymous faces.

– I can say in general that the production asked to remove all signs of the relationship, such as rings. But let’s see what happens, Pirita adds surreptitiously.

– The rings have not been taken off just for this evening, Mika, who is standing next to him, reveals.

Temptation Island Finland on Nelose and Ruudu 19.10. from See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
