Tango King Aki Samuli is proud of his achievements

The tango king of 2015, Aki Samuli, graduated as an animal keeper this spring.

Aki Samuli, 39, was crowned Tango King in 2015. He toured hard for the first few years, but three years ago the animals took his heart as he went. Currently, Samul’s farm has more than 50 animals.

– I have a farm in the “kingdom of the king” where all the animals are named after the tango royals. It is nice that after a two-year break, I will finally get new animals on my farm when the new tango royals are crowned, Samuli rejoices at Iltalehti in the Tango Market semi-finals.

Samuli intended to start therapy activities on the farm for the elderly, the mentally handicapped, and kindergarten and school groups, but because of the corona, the plans went new. He hopes to be able to start operations in the coming years.

The first profession

Because of Korona, some of the plans went new and there were no singing gigs, Samuli still hasn’t been left without doing. She has worked in two different paid jobs as well as studied the first profession of her life: animal husbandry.

There are no farmers in Aki Samuli’s family. Jussi Eskola

In May, Samuli says he will work 29 paid days, in addition to which he has enough to do as chairman of the Tango Royal Association and at various music events. Although Samuli is involved in many things, he still says that he gets enough rest and relaxation.

– I am such an owl factor, if I go for something, I will do it to the fullest. My point is: udders rather than shackles.

– If I look at my calendar, I can go from September to October to find a single empty day, he continues.

Although there are gig surveys almost daily, Samuli plans to make performances on a project basis. He doesn’t want to be financially dependent on touring.

– Music is a big part of my life, but I don’t see that I would constantly tour Finland cross-country at dance stage gigs.

June 10 Samuli celebrates his 40th birthday. On the same day, a new album and a book from Tango King will be released. However, he is most proud of his graduation as a pet sitter. He plans to celebrate all this among his loved ones.

– I would never have thought I would go to school at this age, he rejoices.


Samuli also admits from time to time that he regrets setting up a farm. However, the feeling is momentary and soon he takes care of his animals again.

– When there is more than 30 degrees below zero, snow is everywhere and everything is frozen, irritating. After all, I don’t even have any aids, the only vehicle on wheels is wheelbarrows. Fortunately, the neighboring farms help.

In the spring and winter, Samuli had to stop. His big toe broke at two points and for a moment everything had to be stopped. Toe healed and in the Tango Market semi-finals, Samuli’s legs are adorned with silver glitter sneakers.

– It was awful! I lay on the couch and was not allowed to do anything.

During his sick leave, Samuli completed the rest of his school assignments and thus spent his time.

Aki doesn’t want to talk in public about his relationships. Jussi Eskola

Known as a stylish singer, Samuli has spent the last three years on his farm in barn clothes. For the tango market semifinals, he had to consider what clothes people would wear to the air.

– I decided to be “Tango Marin” and wear a leather jacket! Samuli jokes about Sanna Marini’s leather jacket style.

Self-sufficient state

Samuli wants to keep a strict line about his private life. He doesn’t want to talk about his relationships in public.

– I do not want to confuse others or third parties with this publicity. I always leave no answer as to whether I have anyone (a partner) or whether I have divorced because it is not relevant.

When asked about Samuli’s dreams for the future, the tango king has to consider his answer. To a large extent, future goals and dreams are related to the farm.

– I would like to achieve a self-sufficient state that it would rotate through tourism, for example. Then I could invest more in myself as well.

Samuli cites the situation from last winter as an example. At that time, he was thinking of buying a winter jacket for more than a hundred euros, even if he could get more hay bales for the animals at the same price.

– However, I was the happiest in the world in my orange winter jacket, he laughs.
