TAMAR like a fish in water in the theater

Everything fell into place this year when word artist and song maker Tamar Tanasale from Roden, or TAMAR, busily experimented with theater. Peace, more time to tell stories and more attention to the words instead of just the music.

She liked the theater. “I think my stories and songs fit very well there,” she laughs.

She is no stranger to the music world, but proves that you are never too old to learn and take a different path. An important step in her career was her participation in several talent development programs, including Hit The North. Artists are accompanied to a stage at Eurosonic Noorderslag. During the process, Tamar discovered that there was more than simply singing your songs on stage. “In any case, I worked with all the coaches on my stage presentation and also on the content of my music,” she says. She also wrote many new songs and perhaps most importantly: she discovered that the theater was the best place for her word works. Another bonus: during the Popgala Noord, a gala associated with Noorderslag, she was declared the best talent. “I thought that was really cool.”

Taking your time, contacting the audience and telling stories between the songs. Tamar can totally see it. “In any case, in addition to my music, I also really enjoy telling stories and making something beautiful out of it.” She gained enough inspiration this year to be sure that the theater is her place. “Last summer I experimented a bit in that area and I really liked it. In that way I think I should just do it, because I feel at home there.” She is now busy writing a theater tour.

The language is very important to the Rodense people. “I really start with songs with language, with lyrics,” she explains. Only later is attention paid to the music. “If I couldn’t sing or play, I would just tell,” she emphasizes. “Music comes second.” Which does not mean that no attention is paid to it. Together with her band she writes parts to her lyrics. One of the last songs, where lyrics and music come together beautifully, is the recently released single And you wanted to dance. “It’s about making your own plans and just dancing, even if someone doesn’t want to participate.”
