Talpa commissions external research into corporate culture | TV

Römer said that he had asked ‘a number of outside parties’ to do ‘some sort of baseline measurement’ of the corporate culture within John de Mol’s radio and television company. “They will investigate throughout the company what the culture experience is and whether it corresponds to how I, and we from the board, think it is going.”

The investigation is said to have been started by now. The company will soon be able to continue to work with the results, Römer said. “That’s not something you do now because the subject is in the spotlight. The problem requires permanent attention and focus,” said the media director.


Talpa also asked the producers it works with what they do to ensure a safe working environment. “If everyone takes their responsibility, you might think that these kinds of excesses, as we have seen recently, can be prevented,” said Römer.

In addition to Römer, his RTL colleague Sven Sauvé, NPO top woman Frederieke Leeflang and Manon van der Hoek, chairman of Dutch Content Producers, also took part in the conversation with the Education, Culture and Science (OCW) committee on Wednesday evening. With the conversation, the politicians want to gain more insight into how participants in TV programs can be better protected against abuse of power.
