Talpa bobo Frans Klein gets punished by Angela: ‘This is a power play!’

Talpa Bobo Frans Klein, who was suspended from the NPO due to his role in the DWDD scandal, receives a strong reprimand from Angela de Jong. “This is normal power play.”

© SBS 6

The investigation into the abuses at the NPO – and also those at De Wereld Draait Door – is taking a long time. How is that even possible? Well, because of types like Frans Klein who coach things, Angela de Jong believes in her AD Media podcast. She finds the behavior of this television boss, who now works for Talpa, more than scandalous.

Couple Knoops

What did Angela hear about it? “Everyone is talking about how shameful it is that it is taking so long and then I heard something last week and then I thought: yes, I don’t think it is strange at all that it is taking a very long time, but that is simply because a number of those involved are extremely is.”

Frans takes the lead in this, she says. “I heard that Frans Klein, when he is heard by the Van Rijn committee, will take the Knoops couple with him, so not only Mr, but also Mrs Knoops. So he comes in with two lawyers. Then you know that it was not completed in five minutes and that it is a miracle that the report is already available.”

Blood pressure

It bothers Angela immensely. “My blood pressure rose at this news, because I thought of all those young editors who had the courage to go to the Van Rijn committee and pour out their hearts and tell what they experienced there. And then you hear that Frans Klein is bringing two top lawyers with him.”

She continues: “Then I think in their case: well, there goes my hope that something will finally change in the television world, because this is a man who is in an important place and has been in an important place, who therefore only is concerned with: how do I get the best out of it myself?”

Cover well

What does it mean that Frans always brings two lawyers with him? “That he is, let’s say, hedging himself a lot. Wants to have good backing about what will be included in that report about him.”

In any case, it shows the culture in the TV world, says Angela. “Would you have the confidence, as a young editor, that something is really going to change in this world? That people are willing to listen to you and to think: well, you know, maybe we haven’t done so well.”

Power play

Colleague Marcus den Blanken, who will soon emigrate to Portugal and is therefore quitting the podcast, continues: “What I actually understand from your story is that the old boss of the NPO is simply frustrating the investigation into cross-border behavior.”

Angela: “Well, I can assume that Van Rijn is not very impressed with all kinds of power play, but of course this does not help things to be handled very smoothly.”

Podcast host Manuel Venderbos: “Frustration, that means draining, slowing down.”

Marcus: “Yes. To delay.”

Lower on the agenda

Manuel concludes: “That it will be even lower on the agenda.”

Marcus: “And that is why the research becomes less good. You just have to tell things honestly and openly and he is more concerned with cleaning up his own alley and making sure he is safe.”

Angela: “The bottom line is that it just doesn’t give much confidence that the people in high positions are really aware of the fact that something needs to change. I really think that’s a bad thing.”

By the way, Wilfred Genee had an appointment with Frans last week to discuss his TV ambitions. What does the VI star think of him? A ‘very nice man’.
