Tallon Greek track eliminated from Wimbledon by child prodigy Alcaraz

The second round at Wimbledon has turned out to be the end station for Tallon Greek track. The tennis player from Nieuw-Vennep lost in London in three sets to the only 19-year-old Carlos Alcaraz (6-4, 7-6, 6-3).

Alcaraz, the number 7 in the world, is considered by many to be the new top talent in global tennis. The young Spaniard immediately showed his class in the first set, but the 25-year-old Greek track kept up well. Nevertheless, the Nieuw-Venneper had to leave the first set to Alcaraz.

Repair damage

In the second set it was also equal and eventually there was a tiebreak. In this, however, Greek track, the number 53rd in the world, lost track and lost it 7-0. As a result, the second set also went to the Spaniard. In the third set, Greek track seemed to fight back in the game, but for a third time Alcaraz was the boss and so the last set went to the Spaniard.

It was the first time in his career that he was in the second round of Wimbledon. Tomorrow Botic van de Zandschulp will come into action in his second round match. Van de Zandschulp, who lives in Amsterdam, plays against the Finnish Emil Ruusuvuori.
