‘Talk show guest Rob de Wijk looks very bad’

Paul de Leeuw thinks it is incredibly unwise for media celebrities to be on Twitter. You can see from talk show guest Rob de Wijk how bad it will make you look, he says.


Professor Rob de Wijk is an expert in the field of international relations, which is why he regularly sits at all kinds of talk show tables. In daily life, he is also extremely active on the social medium Twitter, but according to former Op1 presenter Paul de Leeuw, he better not do that.

Tired Rob

In his own words, Paul does not look on social media. “I don’t, I’m only on Instagram. It’s unhealthy. Look at Rob de Wijk, he always looks so exhausted. Not because of his war analyses, but because he is always on Twitter. Then I think: man stop. Why would he do that?” he says in the AD.

You only have to enter your name on Twitter and the death wishes are flying around you, according to Paul. “On social media people sometimes yell at me: ‘Your time is up. You’d better lie down in your coffin.” Then you might think: you’d better die young, at the peak,” he says. But: “I have no appetite for death.”

Sorry about Op1

Rob de Wijk can often be found in Op1. Paul himself also presented that talk show for a while, but he was booed by the viewer. “It was a multi-headed monster. The VARA wanted an entertainment-like program on Friday evening, but then the cabinet fell after a few broadcasts.”

And then? “I said: let Jeroen Pauw do it, but then came the stupid comment (put on a haughty voice): ‘A presenter of Op1 should be able to do everything, Tijs van den Brink would rather not do a Eurovision song contest’. I should have just said, I’m not doing it. From then on I was actually canceled at Op1.”


The AD interview with Paul:


Moving images of Rob:
