Talk Drents With Me with Alides Hidding

The Huus van de Taol has made a third season of the Drenthe-language podcast Praot Drents Met Mij in collaboration with RTV Drenthe.

In this podcast, director of the Huus van de Taol Renate Snoeijing talks with famous Drenthe about the role the Drenthe language plays in their lives. Singer Alides Hidding is a guest in this episode.

Alides and his sister both have metdaon at the Drenthe accordion championships and both won. Alides much ok still competing in the Dutch championships and that’s where he got the hang of it. “Wal pretty for one from Drenthe of twelve years.” On Sunday afternoon, Dad was always playing the accordion and singing stunned tired. And zölf stund to see Hidding already bounced in front of the mirror with a shoe door that turns it into a guitar with a couple of elastic bands over it.

“In Odoornerveen I almost drowned. I was playing and saw a lamp floating between the shore and the ship and I want to grab it and fly under the ship.” Fortunately, the skipper can just catch the flu.

“I was not a good student, because I am of three schools of stairs.” And that was because you can never keep up with their thoughts. And in that moment he still stuttered horribly. But if e sing gung, then it was vort.

Seeing olde lu vunden that you can learn a trade, because the kaan that you could earn money with the meziek was not so great in his eyes. So Hidding them to become Bakker’s culinary specialist in Grunning to become a chef.

For 2 years he baked pancakes and half haonen in a pancake farm. And in that time she performed a song by Pim Koopman and that turned out to be a hit with great surprise: Hollywood Seven.

Hidding wrote his own songs and from the first moment it was very good. “The one after the other clapped. People thought they were an English band. I even now get to say something in English.”

The band toured Australia and that was the pinnacle of their career. “The most beautiful thing I’ve ever experienced.”

Hidding did not only write for the Time Bandits, but also for example Jennifer Rush, the Nylons, Dana Winner, Helmut Lotti and Piet Veerman.

He’s got a good taste of singing again since we saw the name ‘Dear Zangers’ and speulen thinks it’s the most beautiful thing there is, so now there’s a new single ‘Diamonds in the sand’.

Listen to Alides Hidding’s story here:
