Talitha Muusse is annoyed by ‘menstruating’ Op1 star Thomas

Talitha Muusse is very annoyed that Thomas van Groningen was ‘menstruating’ live in Op1. “This is a bit of a caricature in my view,” said the brand new SBS 6 star.


It’s something we’ve seen before on talk shows: male tablemates undergoing menstrual simulation to feel exactly what the average woman feels when she has her period. This week it happened again, this time at Op1. And they got the right one: Thomas van Groningen grimaced as if his foot had been sawed off live.


Romy van Dijk, historian and socialologist, is itching about this. “The whole ‘let men experience what menstruation feels like on TV’ rubs me the wrong way“, she writes X. “My culture is not your costume!! And then start puffing and screaming exaggeratedly as if you were in labor. Never before has a woman been allowed to do this on TV.”

The brand new SBS 6 star Talitha Muusse, who is seriously in danger of flopping with her new evening show, agrees. “At sometime. The message: only when men feel the physical pain can it be taken seriously. 😤.”


Isn’t it a good thing that menstrual complaints are put on the map? Talitha: “Yes, but this is a bit of a caricature in my view. But if it does indeed have a positive effect, we should be happy with that, yes :).”

What exactly is the caricature? “The discomfort of menstruation is so much more than pain, really so much more.”

Journalist Harco Ploegman: “I understand. But awareness usually goes per aspect. With this action, the glass seems more half full than half empty to me.”

Thomas responds

Thomas responds to Romy’s criticism. He says: “I understand you. Not something we came up with ourselves, by the way. It is a project of Women Inc. Thought it was interesting to experience, the goal was anything but to ridicule it.”

Romy: “I know! I hang somewhere between ‘good if there is more awareness’ and ‘GRRRRRR’.”

Fat sir

Suddenly sports dino Henk Spaan also comes into play. He sneers: “I came across the subject later and thought: what’s wrong with that fat gentleman? He didn’t turn out well live. Luckily was led away. Reassuredly turned off the TV.”

That’s mean, Thomas thinks. “Well, that ‘fat gentleman’ is not necessary, Henk.”

Henk: “Sorry.”
