Talent is in variety

Although there is no need for a special date to celebrate the danced movement, an unavoidable event in the Argentine dance calendar is the annual ballet gala organized by the Argentine Dance Council, wisely directed by teacher Beatriz Durante. Every year since 1995, the CAD celebrates the International Dance Day in Buenos Aires, instituted forty years ago in homage to the dancer and teacher Jean Georges Noverre (1727-1810), on the anniversary of his birth. And every year it also counts on the selfless collaboration of the most important casts in the country, eager to participate in this unique meeting, all of which makes us reflect on how important it is to keep these institutions in force, which, based on serious and planned work, are unifying of talent.

In the evening that we are discussing today, all languages ​​and techniques were represented by some of the best dancers that Argentina has today. The only manifestation of dance that could not be present was the classical one, since the dancers of the Stable Ballet of the Teatro Colón who had compromised their performance were affected by the isolation imposed due to numerous cases of Covid-19 in the company.

But the art of flamenco was there, in the figures of Yanina Martínez and Yamil Rabaj dancing “Vivencias”, an abandolao fandango accompanied by singers Álvaro González and Maximiliano Serral, with the stupendous guitar of Esteban Gonda. Our folklore had its moment in “Estampas argentinas”: the “Refalosa”, non-contact dance of the dancers, by Graciela Avalos and Matías Somoza; a powerful malambo norteño impeccably danced by Fernando Castro; and closing the segment was the Trincheras Dance Ensemble, which offered a beautiful “Pericón” with relationships. Two scenes from “Astor, Nosotros” brought tango to the stage, with the particular aesthetic of Leonardo Cuello, in the excellent interpretation of Ayelén Álvarez Miño, José Lugones, Laura Zaracho and Juan Pablo del Greco.

The extensive contemporary block was made up of three revivals that, not because they were such, were less celebrated. “Reminiscences”, a captivating work in which Oscar Araiz joins his creation with a tribute to Renate Schottelius and Dore Hoyer, featured the vibrant Antonella Zanutto, with a captivating personality.

Then the Grupo Cadabra, directed by Anabella Tuliano, came on stage with a fragment of “Coraje!”, an energetic work full of powerful images. To conclude, the Contemporary Ballet of the Teatro San Martín revived the last section of “Cantata” by Mauro Bigonzetti, a work to see every day about the harshness and joyful energy of southern Italy. Lucía Bargados, Andrés Ortiz and David Millán led the group of wonderful dancers, full of vitality and impeccable technique. A great and festive finale for this show where, whether with bare feet, gaucho boots, high heels or half-pointe shoes, the dance artists celebrated this ancient and powerful art. A good fact: on the YouTube channel of the Consejo Argentino de la Danza we can relive the entire Gala.

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