Take care of your woolen clothes for a new faith

How easy is it to convert a woolen garment to a new faith? Style editor Ira Juvonen headed to the flea market to find a woolen garment that needs maintenance.

I strongly believe that quality is the thing that should be especially invested in in clothes.

The life cycle of quality clothes can be extended almost indefinitely by investing in maintenance measures.

I decided to head to the flea market in the hope that I would find a woolen sweater made of quality materials that I could restore to pristine condition.

I didn’t quite find a woolen sweater in such bad condition at the flea market as I would have hoped. This is of course a positive problem. Fortunately, I found an alternative that was a bit frayed and fluffy during the trip, when I inquired about it separately from the flea market employees.

Fluffy woolen clothes look brand new after maintenance. Niko Koskela

This is how you take care of your knitwear to a new faith!

Clothes brush

A clothes brush is an absolute must if you own a woolen sweater. With it, the woolen sweater stays beautiful and looks new for longer. A clothes brush can be used, for example, at the end of each use. This way you can get rid of the dust immediately, and it won’t collect as a ball of lint in the fabric of the garment.

Forget the sticker brush

Many people probably think that a sticker brush is good for removing dust or pet hair that has accumulated on the surface of a woolen sweater. However, this is a method that should not be used.

The sticker brush leaves glue residue on the sweater and thus the dust can stick to the surface of the garment even more easily.

Get rid of bulk

If it has been a long time since you washed your woolen clothes or loose dirt has found its way to it, you should use water and a clothes brush.

Spray a little water on the woolen garment and then clean the sweater with a clothes brush. You can put the woolen garment against a level to make cleaning easier.


Lint removal from woolen clothes can be enhanced by brushing the garment in two directions. First from top to bottom and then from bottom to top.

Lint comb and lint cutter

Lint combs and lint cutters effectively remove lint from clothing, but they also consume material. So you shouldn’t use these methods too often.

Individual fluff balls can be picked off with your fingers.


Woolen clothes stay fresh for a long time with just ventilation. However, when airing woolen clothing, it is worth remembering that it should not be left in direct sunlight. The sun embrittles and yellows wool fibers.

Stain cleaning

Stains should always be removed as quickly as possible. If a stain has appeared on the woolen garment, it should be cleaned locally.

Damp stains can be absorbed into paper towels or a towel. The dried stain can be removed by lightly scraping or brushing.

Bile soap and Marseille soap are the best choices for cleaning woolen clothes, as they are gentle enough. Moisten the stained area and apply a little bile soap or Marseille soap on it. Rinse the stained area with water and pat the area dry with a towel.


Steaming is the salvation of woolen knitting. You can use it to knit a stretched woolen garment. Steaming also freshens the garment and thus you can extend the washing interval even further.

With these products you can:

Arkivé Atelier’s M-size garment maintenance set contains the most important products for maintaining the entire wardrobe, such as a clothes brush, clothes steamer, lint cutter and lint comb. 276 e, Arkivé Atelier.

Liquid bile soap is an effective but gentle stain remover. Sonet’s bile soap is biodegradable. 3.95 e, Hyvinvoinn.fi.

Marseille soap cleans gently. This is the perfect product for cleaning wool or silk clothes, for example. €4.90, Grass roots.
