Take advantage of many free conferences to discover the challenges of Relationship Marketing

Within a company, customer relationship management is an essential component of a marketing strategy. Implementing a CRM approach is crucial to improving your ability to understand and anticipate your customers’ expectations.

A well-thought-out CRM strategy will allow you to improve the image that your customers and prospects have of your product, your service and, by extension, your company.

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To help you better understand the opportunities offered by the implementation of a relationship marketing strategy, Relatia, the French specialist in CRM and E-CRM and Mobile CRM solutions, looks forward to seeing you from May 11 to 31, 2022 at multiple online conferences. They are organized as part of the first edition of the “CRM Month”.


Multiple topics addressed to refine your CRM strategy

During these conferences, many speakers (advertisers, customers and partners) will discuss together the major challenges of CRM through round tables, sharing of experiences and customer cases. They will reveal to you the preferred communication levers and channels in the design and deployment of a CRM strategy, thus allowing participants to discover the best practices in this area.

Relatia and the speakers who will accompany her will address multiple themes allowing participants to refine their relationship marketing strategy. The experts will talk in particular about emailing, which remains one of the most used communication channels today and which has recently been impacted by the new rules introduced by Apple with regard to data protection following the deployment of iOS 15.

CRM specialists will also explain the issues related to the implementation of drive to store strategies. Despite the advent of digital, in-store sales are still an essential channel for businesses. According to 2019 Google Local Search Statistics, 88% of people doing local search on mobile visit a store within 24 hours. For this reason, it is essential to implement marketing actions to increase traffic at physical points of sale, such as drive-to-store. Through multiple feedbacks, participants will discover how to implement such a strategy. They will have the opportunity to know the levers to activate and the KPIs to follow.


Several other themes are to be discovered during this unique event: SMS, push notifications, E-CRM, in-app and site animations, consent, iOS 15 new features, cookieless (Google), retargeting or again wallet.

Participants are sure to benefit from multiple solutions and qualitative advice that they can apply in their business. To not miss any tips from the experts and simply perfect your action plan, don’t forget to register for the “CRM Conferences”.
