Taghi’s lawyers immediately drop their defense due to dissatisfaction with the legal process

Ridouan Taghi’s three new lawyers will immediately withdraw from his defense. That write it A.D and news agency ANP Tuesday. Michael Ruperti, Arthur van der Biezen and Sjoerd van Berge Henegouwen say they do not feel they have the space and time to conduct a good defense. The defense counsel would no longer be able to defend the main suspect in the Marengo trial “in good conscience”.

According to the lawyers, Taghi has indicated that he does not want a new defense for the Marengo trial, which is currently in its final stages, it writes A.D. It is not known what the lawyers’ decision means for the progress of the trial.

In a article in it A.D the lawyers indicate that they feel there is no room to immerse themselves in the file. For example, a request for a nine-month postponement was rejected by the Amsterdam court. “As a result, we have been lagging behind from the start.” However, the verdict, which was scheduled for October this year, was postponed until February.

The trio took on Taghi’s defense six months ago after Inez Weski was forced to relinquish it. She was arrested in April on suspicion of membership of a criminal organization, among other things. Weski, who has now been released, is said to have shared information from the imprisoned Taghi with contacts in the criminal world.

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