Etiket: Voorbijgangers
"We don’t live here in communist China": straatpianist krijgt the plots aan de stok with Chinese voorbijgangers who have never been filmed
Bizarre incident in the London train station St. Pancras: a straat pianist took part in a meeting with the Chinese voorbijgangers who had to stop the filming. He followed a…
KIJK. Indrukwekkende tornado slaat Franse voorbijgangers met verstomming | Wetenschap & Planet
In the town of Mayenne in the north-west of France there were no warnings about the 6 plots and an indrukwekkende tornado was released. The wind blows in front of…
Voorbijgangers redden ontvoerd meisje (13) uit auto dankzij papiertje met words ‘help me’ | Buitenland
Voorbijgangers raised a 13-year-old American who was mostly born from the hands of a parent (61) in the south of California. De tiener held a papiertje with de worden “help…