Tag: Vandenbroucke
After testimonies about internship abuse in healthcare: what do ministers Crevits and Vandenbroucke do? “The sector must also look at itself” | Interior
STREAMING. Five must-sees if you can’t get enough of influencers Influencers: love them or hate them, but you can’t help but notice that they are increasingly cementing themselves into your…
Vandenbroucke wants to make the nursing profession more attractive: more autonomy and career opportunities
Minister of Health Frank Vandenbroucke (Vooruit) wants to make the nursing profession more attractive. Not only by continuing to invest, but also by reforming the profession in terms of content,…
Vandenbroucke: “Every network must have a recognized breast clinic”
It is an obligation that there is a recognized breast clinic in every network, including in the province of Luxembourg. Minister of Health Frank Vandenbroucke (Vooruit) has underlined this in…
Vandenbroucke: “Oprichting van veldhospitaal in Turkije is geen small beer”
Vice-premier and minister of Volksgezondheid Frank Vandenbroucke (Vooruit), he trusts in the Turkse autoriteiten het veldhospitaal gaan aanvaarden dat ons land wil sturen. “Een officiële bevestiging heb ik not yet,…
Vandenbroucke comes with middelen for extra weekend medewerkers in huisartsenwachtposten
The federal regering maakt “op zeer korte termijn” middelen vrij om the huisartsenwachtposten te ondersteunen. Dat heeft minister van Volksgezondheid Frank Vandenbroucke (Vooruit) vandaag aangekondigd in the Kamercommissie Gezondheid. Concretely,…
“Doctors do not give Vandenbroucke enough”
The majority of doctors are not satisfied with the policy of Minister of Health Frank Vandenbroucke (Vooruit). This is evident from a current affairs survey by the Artsenkrant and its…
Vandenbroucke: “There is an RSV epidemic in young children, but an outbreak is not unheard of” | Interior
There is indeed an RSV epidemic in young children, but the numbers are “not exceptional”. That is what Minister of Health Frank Vandenbroucke (Vooruit) said today in the Parliamentary Committee…
Frank Vandenbroucke about RSV circulation: “The pressure is great in pediatric departments, but every child in need gets a hospital bed” | Interior
The RSV virus has recently been circulating among children, putting hospitals under pressure again. That is also what Minister of Health Frank Vandenbroucke (Vooruit) says at VTM News. “The hospitals…
After wasting 65 million euros: does Vandenbroucke have his corona labs screened?
Now that it is known that the labs that the government has set up itself to analyze corona tests have cost 65 million euros too much, the question arises whether…
Vandenbroucke is working on care teams for young people with cancer
Minister of Health Frank Vandenbroucke (Vooruit) is working on care teams for young people with cancer. It concerns teams of a coach, a social assistant and a psychologist who, from…