Etiket: unhealthy
The number of ‘food swamps’ with unhealthy food is increasing in Flanders: “It is becoming increasingly difficult to eat healthily"
In more and more Flemish neighborhoods there is an abundance of unhealthy food, while in other places the availability of healthy food is below average. This double evolution, towards both…
Supermarket says it promotes healthy food, yet unhealthy food still predominates | My Guide
Cooking & EatingSupermarkets are doing too little to encourage healthy eating, despite the agreements they made about this in the National Prevention Agreement in 2018. It is precisely the unhealthy…
Child marketing of unhealthy food legally restricted | News item
News item | 09-12-2022 | 3:30 pm In order to make the healthy choice easier and because the current self-regulation is insufficiently effective, the government wants to restrict the marketing…
Why (work) stress is not always unhealthy for us | Work
A good relationship with colleagues, managers or customers not only makes your working day more enjoyable, but also ensures that you get more done. Mirjam Wiersma, author of two books…
Eating guide: how (un)healthy are vegetable wraps?
From Mexican cuisine.Image Getty Images/iStockphoto Wraps, aren’t they Mexican? Not strictly speaking. Here a ‘wrap’ is a soft wheat pancake that you roll around a filling, ‘wraps’ in coal English.…
Flemish municipalities ask to be able to limit the sale of unhealthy food in school environment
The Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities (VVSG) wants municipalities to do more to limit the sale of unhealthy food. That writes ‘Het Nieuwsblad’ on Friday and the spokesperson for…
Almost forty years at the most unhealthy factory and as healthy as a fish: “I was lucky”
When he realizes how many of his colleagues are sick or deceased, Jos Kortekaas (73) can only say that he was lucky. Almost forty years in Tata Steel’s coke gas…
Last year more Dutch young people were psychologically unhealthy
The mental health of young people in the Netherlands deteriorated last year. In 2021, about 18 percent of 12 to 25-year-olds were psychologically unhealthy. In 2019 and 2020 this was…
Three critics watched ‘Da’s fat love’: “It’s a shame we still have to watch a program in 2022 about fat people who are unhealthy” | showbiz
showbiz“Look first and then judge”, said Lotte Vanwezemael after the angry reactions to the trailer of her new program ‘Da’s fat love’. Three critics put their money where their mouth…
‘Unhealthy people have to pay more health care premium’
We can hardly ignore it, because the problem in healthcare is getting bigger and bigger. Healthcare costs are rising and at the same time, the demand for healthcare is also…