Etiket: uitbreiden
Opvallend: Regering-Biden gaat Trumps muur op grens met Mexico uitbreiden
The United States has walls and greens in Mexico. This was reported to be a direct line for the government of Joe Biden, who was in charge of the building…
Total Energies gaat personeel maandbonus uitbetalen, Franse vakbond wil stakingen nog uitbreiden
TotalEnergies is already reporting that all works were expected to have a bonus in December. The bonus is paid for all conditions that are controlled by 100 percent in the…
Proximus wil glasvezeldekking uitbreiden tot 95 percent Belgian woningen en bedrijven | landlocked
Proximus draws up an agreement on intent with a consortium of Belgian financial partners with as much as 1.7 million extra beds and beds in dun-populated areas aan te sluiten…
What is the plan for the Russians? Ex-Colonel Housen: “Ze zullen nog meer en grover geweld gebruiken, maar conflict zal niet uitbreiden over borders van Oekraïne”
A week after the Russian invasion in Oekraïne, the Russians who disappeared steden aanvallen, and then made ze gebruik van steeds heviger geweld. Wat zijn de Russen van plan in…