Etiket: Toezichthouder
Na vals report eerder vandaag: Amerikaanse toezichthouder dan toch akkoord met bitcoinfondsen
The current alarm is now available: the American SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) is acknowledging the value of the bitcoin funds, and the bitcoin ETFs are also available. The stap…
Britse toezichthouder gaat AI-chatbot van Snapchat mogelijk verieden | multimedia
Snapchat risks a connection to its chatbot My AI in the United Kingdom. The function works with artificial intelligence (AI) in front of a British data monitor, the Information Commissioner’s…
Toezichthouder VS sluit met Signature Bank tweede Amerikaanse bank | Money
Signature Bank from New York was the 21st largest bank in the United States, with the active door of the Fed and 2022 at 110 million dollars. The Federal Deposit…
Duizenden new reports of problems with apneu devices Philips: toezichthouder VS reports 82 doden | Nieuws
In November and December, Philips reported 8,000 new reports of problems with patients who might have had problems with defective new appliances. In 82 van der Gevallen what he said…
Oekraïne. Zelensky roept op tot nieuwe sancties • Toezichthouder: Germans would like to use 20 percent less gas
Here you want content to stay from bijv. Twitter, Facebook of Instagram If the content of the cookies can be delayed, we will have to wait for the cookies to…